We realize that each customer, no matter what their position in the transaction, is always in need of information. We are the accurate and complete source of that information for you.

Here in our closing center we have compiled a variety of various tools to assist you in the settlement process. With our ability to handle closings in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, we have accumulated information specific to each county in each of these areas. Under each state tab you will find our fees and brochures for each area. The brochures are in PDF format so you can download them. We want to make sure that you have all of the necessary tools for your transaction.

Here we also have set up the ability to order your settlements online. Or if you don’t want to order a settlement online or you have a closing already in process you can track the progress of that settlement. We will set up access for that file and you can track documents we have received and print them out. We can also notify you by email as soon as the documents are uploaded.

Hopefully you can find all of the necessary information you need for your transaction. We are here to help you with a smooth and seamless settlement.

A new legislative requirement/regulation was created in August of 2014 for the protection of consumers.

Under the rule, if an agent chooses to recommend service providers in conjunction with the real estate transaction, the real estate licensee must:

Follow the links provided to verify licensing status for service providers.

Please feel free to contact us if you need additional information not provided here.